Category: 品茶论坛

  • 广州茶艺鉴赏体验活动





    1. 茶艺表演:活动现场,专业茶艺师为大家带来了一场精彩的茶艺表演。她们身着汉服,动作优雅,茶艺手法娴熟,展示了岭南茶艺的独特韵味。

    2. 茶文化讲座:茶艺专家为大家讲解岭南茶文化的起源、发展以及茶具、茶艺等相关知识,让参与者对岭南茶文化有了更深入的了解。

    3. 茶艺体验:参与者们亲自动手,在茶艺师的指导下学习泡茶技巧。活动现场准备了各种茶叶和茶具,让参与者们尽情体验岭南茶艺的魅力。

    4. 茶艺互动:活动现场设置了茶艺互动环节,参与者们可以与茶艺师交流茶艺心得,共同探讨茶文化的传承与发展。


    1. 弘扬岭南茶文化:通过茶艺鉴赏体验活动,让更多人了解和喜爱岭南茶文化,传承和弘扬我国优秀的茶文化。

    2. 增强文化自信:茶艺鉴赏体验活动有助于提高人们对传统文化的认同感和自豪感,增强文化自信。

    3. 促进文化交流:茶艺鉴赏体验活动为不同地区、不同文化背景的人们提供了一个交流的平台,促进了文化交流与融合。


    1. 精彩纷呈的茶艺表演:活动现场的茶艺表演精彩纷呈,让人目不暇接。

    2. 专业的茶艺指导:茶艺师们亲自指导参与者泡茶,确保每个人都能学到正宗的岭南茶艺。

    3. 丰富的茶文化知识:茶艺专家的讲座让参与者们对岭南茶文化有了更深入的了解。

    4. 互动性强:茶艺鉴赏体验活动注重互动,让参与者们在品茗的过程中感受到茶文化的魅力。


  • 广州机场周边夜景娱乐指南



    ### 1. 白云国际会议中心


    ### 2. 广州塔(小蛮腰)


    ### 3. 珠江夜游

    ### 4. 白云山夜景


    ### 5. 上下九步行街


    ### 6. 天河体育中心


    ### 7. 机场附近酒店




  • 广州推拿馆加盟要求




    1. 品牌知名度:选择一家知名度高、口碑良好的推拿馆品牌,有助于提升加盟店的知名度和美誉度。

    2. 品牌实力:了解加盟品牌的经营历史、市场占有率、客户满意度等,确保品牌实力雄厚。

    3. 品牌文化:选择一家具有独特文化内涵的推拿馆品牌,有助于树立加盟店的独特形象。


    1. 具备一定的经营管理能力:加盟者需具备一定的经营管理能力,能够合理安排店内人员、设备、财务等。

    2. 热爱推拿行业:对推拿行业充满热情,愿意投入时间和精力经营推拿馆。

    3. 有一定的经济实力:具备一定的经济实力,能够承担加盟费用、装修费用、运营费用等。

    4. 诚信守法:具备良好的商业道德,严格遵守国家法律法规。


    1. 人流量大:选择人流量大的地段,如商业街区、写字楼、住宅小区附近。

    2. 交通便利:交通便利的地段,便于客户前来消费。

    3. 租金合理:根据加盟店规模和预算,选择租金合理的地段。


    1. 环境舒适:店内环境舒适,布局合理,营造良好的消费氛围。

    2. 装修风格:装修风格应与品牌形象相符,突出品牌特色。

    3. 设施设备:配备齐全的推拿设备,如按摩床、按摩椅、刮痧板等。


    1. 人员培训:加盟者需接受品牌总部提供的专业培训,确保员工具备良好的服务技能。

    2. 营销策略:品牌总部提供一系列营销策略,如线上线下推广、会员卡制度等,助力加盟店提高业绩。

    3. 质量监控:品牌总部对加盟店进行质量监控,确保服务质量达到标准。

    4. 顾客满意度:关注顾客满意度,不断提升服务质量,提高顾客忠诚度。


  • 广州上门按摩推拿技师




    1. 便捷高效:上门按摩推拿服务节省了客户的时间,无需出门即可享受到专业的按摩服务,非常适合工作繁忙、生活节奏快的现代人。

    2. 专业专注:广州上门按摩推拿技师均具备专业的按摩技能和丰富的实践经验,能够针对不同人群的身体状况提供个性化的服务。

    3. 隐私性强:上门服务为顾客提供了私密的空间,避免了在公共场合按摩的尴尬,让顾客在舒适的环境中放松身心。

    4. 灵活预约:客户可根据自己的时间安排,随时预约上门服务,技师会在约定的时间内准时到达。


    1. 中医推拿:运用中医理论,通过手法按摩、拔罐、刮痧等方法,调理身体机能,缓解疼痛。

    2. 精油按摩:选用天然植物精油,通过按摩手法,改善血液循环,舒缓疲劳,提升免疫力。

    3. 足疗按摩:针对足部进行按摩,缓解脚部疲劳,改善睡眠质量。
    4. 头部按摩:通过按摩头部穴位,缓解头痛、眼疲劳等症状。

    5. 情侣按摩:为情侣提供浪漫的按摩体验,增进感情。

    6. 家庭式按摩:为家庭成员提供专业的按摩服务,增进家庭和谐。

    7. 商务按摩:为商务人士提供专业的按摩服务,缓解工作压力。


    1. 预约:客户通过电话、微信等方式预约上门服务,技师会根据客户的需求和时间安排进行确认。

    2. 到达:技师按照约定时间到达客户家中,为顾客提供专业的按摩服务。

    3. 服务:技师在服务过程中,会与客户沟通交流,了解客户的需求,确保服务质量。

    4. 结束:服务结束后,技师会整理现场,确保客户满意。

    5. 评价:客户可以对技师的服务进行评价,以便技师不断改进服务质量。


  • 广州中医按摩执业资格证





    1. 具有中华人民共和国国籍,遵守国家法律法规。

    2. 具有高中及以上学历。

    3. 年龄在18周岁以上,60周岁以下。

    4. 身体健康,无传染性疾病。

    5. 有志于从事中医按摩行业,具备一定的中医基础知识和实践经验。


    1. 中医基础理论:包括中医学的基本理论、中医诊断学、中药学等。

    2. 中医按摩技能:包括按摩手法、穴位定位、按摩治疗等。

    3. 中医按摩相关法规:包括《中华人民共和国执业医师法》、《中医按摩师执业资格认定办法》等。


    1. 报名:考生需在规定时间内,到当地卫生行政部门指定的报名点进行报名。

    2. 考试:考试分为笔试和实操两部分。笔试主要考察中医基础理论和法规知识;实操主要考察按摩技能。

    3. 成绩查询:考试结束后,考生可登录当地卫生行政部门网站查询考试成绩。

    4. 领取证书:考试成绩合格者,可在规定时间内领取中医按摩执业资格证。


    1. 提高个人综合素质:考取中医按摩执业资格证,有助于提高个人在中医按摩行业的竞争力,提升职业素养。

    2. 保障患者安全:中医按摩执业资格证是从事中医按摩行业的必备条件,有助于规范行业秩序,保障患者安全。

    3. 促进中医事业发展:中医按摩执业资格证的设立,有助于推动中医按摩行业的健康发展,传承中医技艺。



  • Xiang Zehao got up and said very puzzled, "Where did Qin Yu get another 5,000 people? Isn’t his security company Songjiang?"

    "It doesn’t look like an ordinary armed force from the point of view of the other side’s ability to cooperate with weapons." The officer shook his head and replied, "At present, we haven’t determined the identity of the other side … we seem to be fighting with a group of people who come out."
    "Who is it?" Xiang Zehao said doubtfully, "Does Yanbei care for the old dog to help him?"
    "I don’t think that no matter how bold an old dog is, after all, there is a public identity that binds him to secretly transfer soldiers to participate in the ninth district administration. This is to create a big hole." The officer calmly analyzed, "I don’t think it’s from Yanbei."
    Xiang Xuan Hao walked into the room with his hands on his back and bowed his head and asked, "What’s the situation in Songjiang?"
    "The latest news is that Ruan Jingshan has committed suicide."
    “……!” Xiang Zehao was silent for a few seconds and looked up and sighed, "I came back late. How did this happen!"
    Several cars on the north side highway outside the area avoided the location of military conflict and rushed straight to the north.
    Wu Di sullenly take words shouted "now don’t move when to move? ! There are only these guards left across the street, so I don’t understand. What the fuck is there to do? Directly mobilize troops to mediate by force, and it’s over. Can’t you see it? !”
    "Layer … some people still don’t agree to mobilize troops to participate in the negotiation."
    "You take a message for me and tell them directly that Qin Yu is my partner. His decision is that I decided not to pull anything. He has been disobedient for three years, and whoever puts it aside has to fight back!" Wu Di roared very angrily.
    Chapter 1161 Wu Fu words
    Car Wu Di hung up and looked serious and rushed to the driver and urged, "Hurry up and enter Fengbei in 20 minutes."
    Qilin, who is in the vicinity of the Lindian battle site outside the district, can fight Longcheng and Nankou after taking people in place. He wants to launch a counter-charge against the other party’s main shelters by virtue of his own comprehensive quality and push them out of the battle site.
    But this time, Qi Lin suffered a big loss. He never expected that more than 1,000 people would be killed by a very regular military strangulation. No matter the hardness of the opponent’s attack and the quality of the personnel, the weapons and equipment were no worse than those of the regular troops.
    Ji Lin took people to see each other without any panic, but in a blink of an eye, he set up a defensive position in situ in just five or six minutes and spread around in an orderly manner. When waiting for support, he knew that the gang was two orders of magnitude after World War I with Longcheng and World War I with Nankou.
    The party and government are rich, and they are forced to raise nine districts to make such a guard. Although the number is small, the fighting capacity is not a glutton!
    Qilinnai can take people away quickly.
    There was a buzz on the intercom channel, and Jun Chen’s hand came up. An officer asked succinctly, "How did it feel to go for a walk?"
    "It’s quite hard," Qi Lin responded truthfully.
    "If these guys don’t give us anything for nothing and don’t play aggressively, we’ll form a formation. You stick to it and attack him." The other side woke up again. "Now the number of the two sides is almost the same. It’s them who suffer."
    "No problem" JiLin immediately responded to a.
    in half an hour
    Several cars stopped at the entrance of the office building of Fengbei Military Supervision Bureau. Wu Di walked somberly and hurried into the main building.
    All the way, Wu Di soon came to the sixth floor conference hall and knocked on the door to enter.
    Several senior officers in Wu Fu’s first war zone are negotiating.
    Looking at the door of Wu Di, I saw that the last rank of these guys in the house was also the school level
    "You sit down first" Wu Fu looked at his son and said with a straight face.
    "You chief wu bureau I have something to say" Wu Di replied in a businesslike manner.
    "You sit first" Wu Fu frowned.
    Wu Di clenched his fist and ignored his father’s words. Instead, he turned to look at the crowd and said, "The situation in Songjiang, the heads of the district, is already very good. The chaos in the district will stop. The self-defense forces will be blocked outside the district. Then the party and government will have no cards. I don’t understand why we have to wait here to express our position?"
    "Did you drink fake wine? At what level do you get to talk here? " Wu Fu cold face to drink and asked
    "Ha ha!"
    There was a hearty laugh, and a major general waved his hand at Wu Fu and said, "Lao Wu, there is no stranger here who can talk only by his surname Wu."
    "The political situation in the ninth district of Xiao Di is very complicated," another school intervened and said, "We have received reliable information. At present, some people at the party and government levels have asked the European Union to dispatch troops to mediate this conflict. The reason is that we have two million members of the European Union and at least 1,000 European-funded companies in Jisongjiang, Fengbei, who have not been permanently resident in the European Union, have not sent troops to protect them. It is not unreasonable. Qin Yu, a security company has a total of 4,000 people. What are they going to discuss to ask the European Union to send troops to mediate? This is for us. "
    Wu Di alpha males.
    "Years ago, North and South Korea were engaged in various problems for many years, three hundred and fifty years! The issue of European territory is also controversial every day, but in the end, I didn’t dare to really get angry. "The school stepped in and continued," What? Because no one dares to take the first shot easily, this is also an objective problem for us now. If the military and political forces make a move now, they are forced to transfer the troops from the EU to mediate by force. How can we accept the move? Fight or not? "
    "Sooner or later, it’s going to be a fight," Wu Di thought. "If you are afraid of him in your heart, he will be a little more fierce and a little too much. Is it different to hug the fire at the critical point? ! We have the ability to solve the administrative problems of the nine districts ourselves. What can we rely on them to mediate? !”
    The school smiled and said nothing.
    Wu Di hesitated for a long time and continued, "It’s reasonable to say that all the leaders today are not interested in talking to me, but the situation of Tiancheng Group is very dangerous now, and if we are not careful, we will never be able to watch it being squeezed into dust by several forces. If the layer doesn’t give us support, I may sell Tiancheng Group at one time. Gu Yan, an academic school in Jun Chen District, Seventh District, is very interested in the railway outside the district contracted by Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Group. I believe that if we want to talk about it, they are willing to fall at a price, and I will no longer be responsible for Songjiang, so I will take
    They heard this for a long time.
    Wu Di’s words are a bit childish. Everyone knows that he can’t really sell rice and he can’t be completely divorced from the military and political affairs. However, he implicitly told everyone that there are too many people paying attention to the situation in Songjiang. Don’t go to the theater and you will have a family.
    "Get out!"
    Wu Fu scolded Wu Di after listening to his words.
    "Well, when I’m finished, the Jockey Club will return to Songjiang." Wu Di nodded and turned to leave.
    After more than twenty minutes.
    Wu Fu car saw son stepped in and scolded 1 "you can you talk? They are giving me noodles. "
    "I know," Wu Di nodded. "Dad, I don’t understand why we haven’t moved when things have come to this. Isn’t Qin Yu one of us? Huh? !”
    "Because no one thought in advance that Qin Yu could really call Songjiang," Wu Fu replied with a burst of blood. "Happiness is sudden. That’s right, but who is happy? Are you and I still a war zone or a World War II zone? "
    Wu Di was stuck.
    "The troops will definitely move into nature and will not die." Wu Fu frowned and said, "Hurry back to Songjiang to handle this well."

  • Reincarnated Shui Ying!

    Metaplasia of filth can be said to be an operation without weakness, and even if there is one, it is acceptable.
    According to orochimaru’s research on seals and mantras, according to the operation method, people who are reincarnated from filth can be put into psychics first, and it doesn’t cost much chakra to be able to directly psych out when the time comes.
    This is the most convenient advantage of this forbidden operation. However, the control quantity is relatively strong, and metempsychosis will be affected by the performer’s ability.
    Even Terumi Mei didn’t know how many metempsychosis he could control before the experiment, and whether he could control the powerful metempsychosis.
    This is not a simple reincarnation, but a reincarnation of four Shui Ying.
    These all need to be tested one by one.
    Chiba didn’t know enough about the metempsychosis of filth, so the method was completed, but it was mastered without many attempts.
    The festival will affect the strength of metempsychosis, and Chiba also left Jiaodu’s life in the front. This is the purpose, and Jiaodu has three hearts, and two of them are also installed on two death row prisoners.
    Although it is necessary to reincarnate three Shui Ying, it is not too urgent, because even if it is necessary to reincarnate, it will be perfect to get white cells in the end.
    Now the first one, then who will be resurrected?
    After thinking for a while, I considered the ability of Shui Ying in the past dynasties, and Chiba recommended the second generation Shui Ying.
    "Just reincarnate the second generation of Shui Ying."
    It didn’t take long to make a decision. Chiba conveniently recruited a wooden shelter from the rain, and then telepathy summoned a pen and ink stone that could depict the white paper.
    He has a lot of things like fighting things, sundries and weapons, and some of them are spots.
    Chapter two hundred and fifty-two Hōzuki Gengetsu
    Chiba will need to put the props on the wooden table, and the white and purple paper will be tiled. Chiba didn’t start writing the first time, but closed his eyes and turned out the complicated black mantra in his head.
    This spell is from orochimaru’s improved second-generation Muhuoying spell, which is very mature. Although it can’t give full play to the reincarnated body’s strength, it can give full play to the reincarnated body’s strength by 50% to 60%. If it is added with a spell, it can give full play to the reincarnated body’s strength by one third.
    Don’t be surprised that the fighting power is also greatly reduced by controlling the will of the reincarnated person, but then the reincarnated person can be controlled by the caster at will. This is the spell key.
    The white paper is dark red, and the special paper for initiating symbol is different. The material used is more expensive than the explosive symbol, and the price is close to the paper that can depict the seal and boundary symbols.
    The convenience of the initiator ninja makes the props as powerful as forbearing to release the advanced fire escape ninja. One initiator 3 2 1 2 =1 yen 3 yen. One can eat about 5 bowls according to one Lamian Noodles 6 yen.
    The price is not low. It will be more difficult for Zhongren and Zhongren to start with a few pieces, and the paper material that determines the price factor accounts for 60%
    Unlike the detonator, the dirty soil metempsychosis charm can’t be bought by yourself. It’s not the trouble to collect the metempsychosis sacrifice. The most troublesome thing is to portray the charm.
    If the detonator is equivalent to gold, it is very precious; Then the dirty soil metempsychosis spell means that Hetian jade has a market price.
    The charm is equivalent to the luxury in props. If you want to make a description mantra, there must be no deviation. Every stroke and every painting needs to be injected with a trickle of chakra, which has certain requirements for chakra’s control
    After a moment, Chiba slowly opened his eyes and the pen was stained with ink. The first place to put pen to paper was in the paper.
    Chiba looks serious and focused. After the pen is tapped, it is not urgent or slow. The chakra trickles from the arm to the special brush and then to the black mantra.
    Sasha Vujacic …
    Outside, the wind and rain swept through the trees, making a rhythmic sound, and the rain beads fell on the wooden roof, making a click.
    Chiba’s mind is not affected by the outside world. The pen moves at will in the black mantra. Not only is the black mantra gradually completed, but it is close to the spell in my mind.
    When the last painting is completed, Chiba’s crisp pen declares that a piece of paper is completed.
    Put a pen on Chiba and pick up the dirty soil metempsychosis charm. When you look at it, you can still feel the subtle chakra from the paper. This means that the charm has succeeded
    "It seems to be …"
    I was surprised to be able to become Chiba at one time. I have to try it several times, and it turns out that I can’t say that I still have the talent to make spells.
    I am very good with Sandaime Kazekage and don’t need spell control; And the red sand scorpion itself will not be able to reach the place for a while, and has never used the spell.
    This thing is a curse. orochimaru loves it. He is very skilled and carries a lot with him.
    There are many kinds of initiation symbols of spells, which represent fire escape, and there are also attribute spells, even seal spells and enchantment spells
    The value of these spells is to make ninjas who are not good at his attribute evasion work as quickly as possible.
    However, the power of the charm is limited by the area of the charm paper, which is quite different from that of depicting the scroll. The advantage is that it is easy to carry and can be obtained at all times
    Limited by the scroll, the conditions usually make the opportunity to replace the information scroll. In this respect, it can be used as a trap to make the enemy open the scroll. However, experienced ninjas usually make preparations before opening this scroll, especially in the intelligence battle.
    After the spell is completed, the second step needs to be prepared.
    The metempsychosis of filth makes the predecessor have to make a lot of preparations, in addition to the metempsychosis sacrifice, a certain amount of flesh and tissue, as well as the psychic scroll that inhibits personality enhancement control spells.
    Now that the spell is complete, there will be a psychic scroll
    Chiba psychic pulled out a white scroll, and after a while, the pen dipped in ink and began to put pen to paper. The white scroll drew a psychic spell.
    With experience, it is much easier to portray. If you want to transport filth on a large scale, you have to make these preparations at the right time.
    If people are not reincarnated from filth and can be put in coffins and thrown into psychics, they can be summoned whenever they want, then the disadvantages of this operation are very obvious
    All the preparations are made, and then we can get down to business.
    "Let’s go!"
    Chiba nodded at Terumi Mei.

  • But this chick dares to save people from her own hands, which makes Li Chengzhu suddenly feel very faceless.

    Boss Li turned over a small bell and instantly appeared. He buckled the red belt. Li Chengzhu made sure that he would not be affected by the acacia bell. He had a sly smile on his mouth and jingled the acacia ling.
    Li Chengzhu this moment seemed to see the wonderful expression on the face of Lord Brahma Valley.
    If you’re not a virgin, I’ll see how you can resist this slutty bell
    "Knock!" Sigh, the sound of the piano seems to stir up the past in everyone’s heart again and again.
    "Ding-ding!" Li Chengzhu shook the acacia bell and walked step by step towards the Brahma Valley Master.
    Girl, you can’t walk with such a big piano, can you? Boss Li is very proud.
    Sorrow and desire are intertwined, and sorrow and the ability to flow together. The faces of the three factions are weird, and they will cry for a while, and they will be full of slutty and posturing.
    Wan Yuehong blushed and bah a pair of albizzia cases. She had long heard of this magic weapon, but for her strength, she was far higher than her master’s, and even she would have caught the road.
    With the approach of the pace and the shortness of the piano bell, Li Chengzhu clearly saw that the Brahma Valley Master’s chest was surging more and more.
    The three brothers are even worse now. If it weren’t for the sigh piano, I’m afraid they would have been in a mess.
    Although Li Chengzhu Xiu had a late Mahayana, the aura was not possessed by a late Mahayana cultivator.
    Brahma Valley Master’s chest is surging like waves. Li Chengzhu’s lewd eyes are a little stiff. Brahma Valley Master can clearly feel the pleasure that the ship brings when it rubs one or two grains of clothes.
    The piano is getting worse and worse, and it seems a little disorganized, but the bell is still so powerful and rhythmic that it provokes people’s desire to bury their hearts again and again
    Chapter 21 Megatron three factions
    As the distance draws closer and the bell is short, the sound of the piano has been intermittent and can no longer withstand Li Chengzhu’s attack
    Boss Li clearly saw a deep purple at the root of the small and exquisite ear behind the green gauze cover.
    That’s a sign of blood clot.
    Boss Li also knows that if there are too many blood knots, some parts will appear purple.
    Calmly and leisurely, I came to the front of the Brahma Valley Master and stopped. Li Chengzhu slowly squatted down, and suddenly a faint scent came to me, a unique fragrance of women.
    Boss Li looked at the woman with a smile on her mouth. She didn’t care at all. A pair of bright eyes behind the green yarn were staring at herself with a little confusion and disbelief.
    Wan Yue pie pie himself, the master, is really obscene now, while his eyes are aimed at the sensitive parts of others, and his eyebrows are high with his mouth as if he were commenting in his heart.
    God is blind. Wan Yue patted his forehead with some headaches. How could such a man be charged as a demon slave?
    Li Chengzhu knew that this woman with dull eyes and flustered eyes had reached a spent force. If it weren’t for this woman’s distractions and the harassment of the sigh piano, I’m afraid I would have to climb to the top at the first time when the bell rang.
    The sudden acceleration of the bell is as rapid and powerful as the rain plowing.
    The Brahma Valley Master’s chest is shrinking sharply with two people blowing balloons, and the pair of Sandy jade hands are not weak, so they quickly set their minds and pluck the strings quickly.
    The sound of the piano is like knocking on the minds of three brothers in Ma Benteng to help them curb the evil that can gradually turn up
    Boss Li eyebrows a pick this little girl is a bit stubborn and has a good luck. The bell will be hit more happily. The sharp ratio is like attacking the origin of Li Chengzhu in a substantive spirit and spreading straight to the periphery.
    That pair of jade hands can’t see clearly, and they quickly pluck the sigh harp. Li Chengzhu speeds up the moment, and the hostess of those hands makes a surprise to Li Chengzhu.
    Seeing that the Brahma Valley Master continued to play the piano with one hand and quickly lifted the blue yarn in front of him with the other.
    At this moment, Boss Li saw a flawless pink, attractive and perfect, but with a little blush and the cherry mouth.
    After that, a blood arrow came out of the mouth and directly sprayed the sigh harp.
    Li Chengzhu narrowed his eyes.
    Ten thousand horses cried and boiled, and there was a tendency to drown the acacia bell.
    "Ah ~ ~" A scream came from not far behind the Brahma Valley Master, accompanied by several blood arrows bursting out, which made three brothers in the vicinity face all over.
    "It’s fucking spectacular!" Li Chengzhu looked up and took a glance at the blood man Zaba’s mouth, and shook the bell of Huan’s request to his hand and then straightened his body.
    "Hey!" Stuffy sound, broken strings

  • Chapter 1141 More

    Hundreds of people in the streets around Minfeng Community have been preparing for a long time, and police officers rushed into the compound together with the anti-terrorism brigade.
    The guns were still on fire, and from time to time, people in the crowd were knocked down by bullets and screamed miserably.
    Rushing in, the police officers and the anti-terrorist brigade obviously received a permission gun and directly ordered them to move very quickly. The gun will never be soft, no matter whether you have weapons in your hand or not, if you want to resist, just hug the fire and do it first.
    In the crowd
    Baojun led six or seven men with guns and rushed into the building. They went through several corridors in a row before jumping out of the back window of a warehouse. They fought all the way and finally ran out. Less than three people were either killed on the spot because of resistance or directly pressed down.
    "Don’t move!"
    "squat in a row!"
    "Don’t whisper!"
    Today, the hospital talked to Baojun, and the number of leaders on the ground was not too large. In addition, the police officers and the anti-terrorist brigade were well prepared to enter the hospital, and everyone was caught off guard and almost did not form an effective resistance, so they were pressed.
    Brother Qun is the most unlucky person in the crowd. He just came here to run and chose a good place to rush out, but he was followed by too many others and was stared at by the other side’s big police. He was suffocated in the alley.
    Songjiang beikou
    As far as the eye can see, off-road vehicles are hung with various security companies Lg coming from Fengbei and Changji.
    After carefully verifying the identity of the other party, the joint defense team members in charge of receiving people signaled the workers to let go, and then a large number of expatriates entered the local Yuan District Superintendent Jiangnan District Superintendent to get close to the party and government joint defense garrison and set up a temporary explosion-proof brigade.
    After the security personnel entered, they settled directly at the Beikou Joint Defense Base, and a large number of senior executives took a special bus to the administration meeting.
    urban district
    The large-scale arrest operation continued, and the police station mobilized nearly 2,000 police officers to carry out armed repression against the leaders and instigators.
    On this night, the city fired guns, but the people who didn’t take part in the parade didn’t know anything about it. First, the official media of the webcast didn’t report the details of tonight’s action. Secondly, everyone is afraid to go out because they are worried about their own safety.
    This situation directly caused Miller’s command style to become tougher, and law enforcement officers could also carry out arrests on a larger scale.
    Ordinary people can certainly guess that people are bound to die in this battle tonight, but how many people have died and who have been arrested? How does the government enforce the law? They can’t imagine it, and they can’t form dissatisfaction, which Miller’s party and government want to see.
    Minfeng community compound
    The center of the crowd behind Miller’s back is actively communicating with the Administration Department. The sheriff next to him is holding a list and shouting the name "Fu Dongli, Zhang Baotian, Wu Wenqun, Xu Yan … Department out!"
    The voice was controlled and the crowd moved.
    "His mother won’t come out, will she?" The sheriff raised his right foot and gave a fierce kick to the last few people, then shouted, "Send me photos to identify these people who were named and then take them away for custody alone."
    Brother Qun, that is, Wu Wenqun, squatted in the crowd and heard the other party order his name before he came to the police station in vain. The intention of this action is not to suppress, but to strangle the people’s managers. To put it bluntly, he is responsible for the activities here on Yinglang Street.
    Brother Qun looked at the attitude of the police officers and said in his heart that it would be difficult for him to be pressed, so it might not be great if he wanted to go out again.
    Urban services department
    Geng Qiu met with dozens of security company executives from Fengbei one by one. These companies are all talking about Yunge, and the money is also from the party and government. From this point, it can be seen that the party and government control financial support for some special "private enterprises" is incomparable with the military and political side.
    "Time is tight, I’ll simply say a few words." Geng Qiu waved his hand to signal everyone to look at the police station leader, the anti-terrorism brigade leader, the joint defense leader and the senior manager of the security company said loudly, "Just now we counted a number of people, about 5,000 of whom were originally able to mobilize the police force, and several security companies from the north added a piece of about 7,000. So many departments even invited non-law enforcement agencies to carry out it together, which has never happened before. I hope that the leaders of all departments of each company can give full play to their coordination ability and communicate actively to ensure the good results of this operation."
    Everyone applauded fiercely.
    "In addition, I would like to say that we have repeatedly insisted on listening to people’s opinions and respecting people’s wishes, but we must never tolerate organized, large-scale and premeditated riots. They are not expressing their demands. They are trying to disrupt the SAR government and abandon most ordinary people’s selfish and despicable means to achieve certain demands. We will never compromise!" Geng Qiuhu roared with a straight face, "We should crack down on these troubles quickly, strictly and severely, and restore stability to Songjiang. I hope you can work together to win this battle!"
    "Work together to tide over the difficulties!"
    The crowd in the meeting room was full of applause.
    "Take your positions, listen to the leaders of various departments and act in an orderly manner." Gengqiu waved and motioned for everyone to disperse.
    Two hours after Minfeng District was arrested by police officers, the number of people marching at night in Singapore suddenly soared, and their leaders led them to the government department.
    five minutes later
    Qin Yu frowned and asked, "Is there someone in Singapore?"
    "Yes," said Wang Zongtang with a frown. "The police station arrested some old people around Xinxiang and quit to attack the police station."
    "Well, I just got a reliable message that Fengbei General Administration has hired some security companies to support a large number of people. You must make it clear to the people on the ground that something is wrong. We should not be caught off guard …"
    "okay, I’m white."
    Main road in Xinyuan district
    A sharp alarm suddenly sounded when the demonstrators were walking in the direction of the administration department.
    A dozen seven-meter-long fire engines came slowly from the fork in the road.
    Chapter 1142 Wait a minute

  • Actually, even if you draw a regular heptagon, Jinzhou can be completed in 2 minutes.

    Research such as drawing a regular heptagon, its principle can be counted even in modern times, but the method ruler chart has been developed, which is the mid-term exam for junior one students.
    The problem in the eyes of everyone is that Cheng Jinzhou does not seem to have the ability to transcend the times.
    Dr. Cheng has not made similar preparations.
    One minute passed.
    His opponent Cheng Jinhao bent over the table early and tried to make a regular heptagon approximate pattern, a level of 14-year-old. Obviously, he didn’t expect how difficult the problem would be-it would take two years for mathematical elites to accumulate strength to have a chance of success, and there were too many formulas and theorems to create summaries before others.
    Cheng Jinzhou knew that he simply looked at the crowd next to banter.
    Cheng family is the elite group with the highest education level in the world. Each of them has received nine years’ education in the famous Cheng family private school, but facing a problem of transcending cognition for two years, their 14-year-old Cheng Jinhao is also very different.
    Most people have long known that such an expression points to Cheng Jinzhou and then points to Cheng Jinhao. Obviously, a child who is lying on his stomach is more eloquent than a child who voluntarily gives up.
    Cheng Jinzhou is very dissatisfied with the different expressions of onlookers.
    Especially when the black robes also fixed their eyes on "not working hard for the second sai-jo", Cheng Jinzhou was angry.
    Cheng Jinzhou, a former doctor in active service, hates people’s "no effort" to look at themselves, even though he does limit the disadvantages and is indeed a disgraceful second ancestor …
    No longer looking at Cheng’s mother and father’s demeanor, Cheng Jinzhou was very impulsive. He pointed to the black robes and said, "Can you do it again?"
    "Cheng Jinzhou!" Cheng Fu one leng first tiger face nu.
    The black robes don’t even have a star rating, but they have the potential to become real star magicians. They are also recognized as star magicians in places like Xia Dynasty. Local star magicians deserve respect, and at least they can’t be scolded by a child.
    Cheng Jinzhou didn’t back down. He was never a very rational person. He pointed his finger carefully from left to right and said, "You have been immersed in astrology for many years. Can you answer this question now? Are you qualified to laugh at me again? "
    The words are a little blunt, but in mathematics, Cheng Jinzhou can really laugh at Cheng Jiafeng’s astrologers. He proudly said, "Is this problem right?"
    Graceful questioning made the scene quiet for a while. When the magistrate came to see the old lady, he didn’t say anything and simply didn’t say anything.
    The star warlock who had previously given the first question continued to caress him and said, "Wu Zong can’t answer this question."
    Good manners, plus distinguished status, were immediately recognized by everyone, and they all said "hinder" and had a heated discussion. This is obviously another topic to show off at the dinner table.
    Cheng Jinzhou is not a provincial oil lamp, not now, not even now, waving his little finger. "Mr. Wu, you haven’t answered my question. This question is not only that you can’t answer it, but also that no astrologer can answer it, right?"
    "This ….." Wu stroked his beard and was speechless. It seems that it is not easy for him to admit that the astrologer failed.
    Maybe it’s too young and self-serious, but instead of stopping him, Father Cheng watched him perform a magistrate. Since then, he has rarely grown up and got along with him, and he also wants to see how much knowledge the sick child has learned and how many people do things.
    Cheng Jinzhou said to the old lady without hesitation, "Grandma, I know this problem is solved, but Cheng Jinhao doesn’t know it. It seems that although neither of us has finished it, I know more, don’t I?"
    Cheng Bingxun’s words hindered him. "Cheng Jinhao tried to complete the inspection, but you tried to steal the victory from it with a little miscellaneous learning."
    It’s embarrassing to open a direct involvement in the big game. Now it’s shirtless. Don’t say the word "Long". Some people in his family can’t look at it. Suddenly, someone started chanting behind him, "The benevolent Cheng Bingxun is penniless. Cheng Bingxun is as clear as water …"
    A bunch of famous brands are still the first time Cheng Jinzhou heard that he almost laughed or remembered the gift of pulling out the green to converge.
    The old lady didn’t pick up the trip to Jinzhou. Yong smiled and said kindly, "Since both of them didn’t answer it, add the previous question. Let’s go in Jinzhou. After all, it’s my grandson."
    The sentence "after all, he is a grandson" makes Mr. Philanthropy face green and red.
    Cheng Jinhao is also a grandson. It’s just that the word Long is far away. If it weren’t for his good father and old woman, Taiyuan wouldn’t say that now the father and son can experience the hierarchical society cruelly.
    Cheng Bingxun couldn’t come up with any rhetoric in this arrangement, and watched Cheng Jinzhou respond and watched Cheng Jinzhou get up and walk away filled with prayers.